Sunday, August 21, 2011


Yingluck faces first big test in Parliament
Thaksin's trip to Japan overshadows novice PM's initial policy debate
As her big brother is poised to land controversially in Japan, Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra faces her first parliamentary test tomorrow, with a session |likely to become fiery when it touches upon a trip even some of her supporters say he shouldn't take.
It seemed too late to stop the Japan trip now, with some Thai expatriates reportedly preparing to give Thaksin Shinawatra a warm welcome. In Thailand, experienced Pheu Thai MPs will try to guard Yingluck from what is expected to be a fierce Democrat onslaught during the declaration of her government's policies to Parliament.
Despite her perceived limits when it comes to answering sensitive political questions, Yingluck has vowed to lead Pheu Thai's parliamentary presentation as much as she can. Having used virtual silence to counter criticism against what her government had allegedly done to help Thaksin, it's likely she will keep up the tactic and let better government speakers respond to the opposition's bombardment.
The Democrat-led opposition's key argument is highly predictable. Yingluck will be taunted about Japan's claims it was her government that requested a visa for Thaksin. Why bother detailing what the government planned to do for the nation, she is likely to be asked, because the very first thing you have done is help him enter Japan?
The Democrats will try to present a case that the government's real priorities concern Thaksin more than national interests. On real government issues, the opposition will question the practicality of such pledges as the Bt300 daily minimum wage and the Bt15,000 starting monthly wage for new university graduates. Abhisit Vejjajiva and Co will go into the debate buoyed by latest opinion polls showing the majority of Thais want Thaksin to stop his controversial activities and the Yingluck government to put its planned charter amendment on the backburner.
During tomorrow's policy debate, about nine in 10 people will be interested in how the government proposed to fight its war on illicit drugs, Suan Dusit Poll said in a survey released yesterday. Other issues of interest are the war against graft, national reconciliation, southern violence, farm debt moratorium, wage hikes, international relations, political reform and tablet computers for students.
Democrat leader Abhisit challenged Yingluck to personally answer queries instead of delegating the task to ministers. "I think the policy debate would be an excellent opportunity for Yingluck to show her leadership," he said.
Abhisit left no doubt the opposition would focus its attack on the gap between campaign pledges and actual policies. He also hinted that involvement or interference by Thaksin - as a deal maker or anything else - would be raised during the debate.
Democrat MP and ex-finance minister Korn Chatikavanij will lead assaults on economic plans while his senior colleague Suthep Thaugsuban is to vet security policies. Ranking Democrats will focus on issues under their responsibility in the previous government.
Yingluck attended a special meeting yesterday for a final preparation with the Pheu Thai executive board and other agencies. In what could be an indication of how much she planned to speak, the prime minister said she was in charge of the overall policy direction while Cabinet members would be responsible for queries on their respective responsibilities.
The PM dismissed claims by Pheu Thai veteran Chalerm Yoobamrung that her party had lined up coalition lawmakers to act as "personal guards" - "commandos" in Chalerm's words - to shield her from tough questions.
She suggested her government would focus on the rising cost of living debate. The prime minister would reiterate that her brother did not have a political role nor take a part in lining up the Cabinet.
"Thaksin gave advice based on his experience, but Pheu Thai made the final decision on every issue," she said. Foreign Minister Surapong Towichukchaikul, who has been under fire in connection with the Japan trip, had Yingluck's confidence that he could successfully rebut the opposition attacks.
Deputy Prime Minister Chalerm, meanwhile, has backtracked on the "commandos" plan, saying he was only joking.
He added that the Democrats should not jump to conclusions on issues like the charter rewrite and the alleged Thai-Cambodian oil deal involving Thaksin. The government has four years to amend the charter and Thaksin did not visit Cambodia as speculated, he said.
Senator Kamnoon Sithisaman said the Senate will today finalise its preparations for the policy debate. Some 42 senators have signed up to speak from the floor.
Kamnoon said he was interested in two issues - corruption and reconciliation. Successive governments pledged to root out corruption but he saw no tangible progress to unmask the big offenders.
In regards to reconciliation, the government appeared to have misplaced its attention on compensation payments instead of uncovering the truth about the eruption of violence last year, he said.


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