Friday, August 5, 2011

Roseanne Barr: Palin’s stealing my act

posted at 12:50 pm on August 5, 2011 by Tina Korbe

Looks like somebody is jealous. Former sitcom star Roseanne Barr, who has never betrayed any political ambition beyond supporting President Barack Obama, now sarcastically says she wants to run for president — and cites former Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin as her inspiration:

    “That’s kind of what got me to thinking that I too should run for president if she can,” Barr told host Jay Leno [last night on "The Tonight Show"]. “I wanted to edge her out because I feel like she’s stealing my act anyway.”

    Barr said Palin, who is flirting with a White House bid, was also her motivation for appearing in a reality show. Her Lifetime show “Roseanne’s Nuts,” premiered a few weeks ago and follows the former sitcom star running a Hawaiian nut farm.

    Barr, a former supporter of President Barack Obama, claimed she is “totally serious” about a bid and said she will run as a candidate from the Green Tea Party. No taxes, the forgiveness of student loans and all debts and the use of vegetables instead of money will be the cornerstones of her campaign, she said.

Barr must not have gotten the memo that Palin hasn’t yet declared presidential candidacy (and might not at all). Barr also said she assumes all you have to do to be president is “show up and give a speech.” No, Roseanne, that’s what you have to do to be a sitcom star. Obama is Exhibit A: Charisma and eloquence do not a competent president make.

All of which reminds me: Why, in all of his talk of taxing the rich, does Obama never add “Hollywood entertainers” to his oh-so-redundant list of “corporate jet owners, hedge fund managers and oil company executives”? Seems to me they could pitch in more than a few dimes to reduce the debt and deficit.


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