Monday, August 22, 2011

Surapong retaliates against Abhisit over visa for Thaksin

Foreign Minister Surapong Tovichakchaikul has lodged a complaint with Phaya Thai police against Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva and three other Democrats for defamation and filing a complaint with false accusations against him.
Mr Surapong was accompanied yesterday by Pheu Thai spokesman Prompong Nopparit and Pichit Chuenban, the party's legal adviser.
The foreign minister accused Mr Abhisit, Nipit Intarasombat, Wirat Kallayasiri and Watchara Phetthong of defaming him by alleging that he had asked the Japanese government to grant an entry visa to former prime minister Thaksin Shinawatra.

The Democrats last week filed a complaint with Phaya Thai police against Mr Surapong, accusing him of abuse of authority in seeking help for Thaksin before the government had delivered its policy statement. Mr Surapong said the accusation was false. On Friday, the Democrats also lodged a petition asking the Election Commission (EC) to remove Mr Surapong from his post over the handling of the ousted premier's visa to Japan and to disband Pheu Thai over the matter.
Mr Surapong said he would also file a petition with the EC today to seek the dissolution of the Democrat Party for making false accusations.
Mr Abhisit yesterday denied that the Democrat Party had fabricated claims against Mr Surapong.
The Japanese government had confirmed that the government had requested Japan issue an entry visa to Thaksin, the Democrat leader said.
The Japanese government said it last week granted a special permit for Thaksin to enter the country at the behest of the Thai government.
If Mr Surapong was not involved in handling Thaksin's entry visa to Japan, he might consider sending a letter of protest to the Japanese government, Mr Abhisit said.
The Democrats have grounds to file the complaints and it is the duty of MPs to protect the country's interest, he said.
Thaksin arrived in Japan yesterday for a week-long stay. He intends to travel to areas hit by the March disaster.
"I'm very happy that I've come to Japan again," he told reporters on his arrival. The visit is his first in three years.


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